Originating from the picturesque town of Annecy in France, JOI emerges as an electrifying duo that has captivated audiences for the past four years. Comprising the talents of Quentin Orlando, a versatile drummer and captivating vocalist, and the skillful bassist Léandre Rouif, JOI ventures into a unique soundscape blending elements of post-rock, noise, and post-punk. Born out of a serendipitous encounter, JOI signifies the fusion of two musical spirits hailing from diverse backgrounds. They seize the opportunity to manifest a shared vision, channeling their collective influences. Disinclined to adhere to musical conventions, these musicians embark on a ceaseless exploration of technical intricacies and melodic nuances to give life to their boundless inspirations. Within the sonic tapestry woven by JOI, echoes of Russian Circles, TOOL, and Lysistrata coalesce with the energy of Jesus Lizard, METZ, and IDLES. Uniting technical precision with unadulterated authenticity, JOI represents a harmonious convergence of the best of both worlds. JOI released an EP (MK 1) in 2022 and is set to release new music in 2023.